Friday, December 31, 2010

Mudahnya menjemput seorang pemimpin Ulama'

Sebelum ini, aku sebenarnya tidak pernah bertemu dengan Tuan Guru Haji Hadi Awang. Tidak juga pernah berimpian untuk bertemu dengan beliau. Dan tidak juga selalu mengikuti perkembangan tentang beliau dan PAS secara direct. Yang aku tahu, terdapat juga mereka-mereka yang mencemuh Tuan Guru Haji Hadi dalam pelbagai cara dan tentang pelbagai isu. Dalam entri ni aku nak berkongsi tentang bagaimana Diskusi: Politik.Islam & PAS dapat diadakan diWarwick semalam.

Aku balik daripada FuIYO 2010, di Waddow Hall, Clithroe dan singgah diManchester beberapa hari yang lepas pada 26th December. Dan berkesempatan untuk menyertai ucapan perasmian PRC oleh Tuan Guru Haji Hadi di Manchester Conference Centre. Selesai ucapan itu, aku terfikir, bagus juga kalau dapat bawa Tuan Guru ke Warwick kerana daripada talknya di Manchester itu, aku rasa banyak ilmu yang beliau sampaikan. Lalu aku bertanyakan wakil beliau untuk menjemput Tuan Guru ke Warwick. Malam tu aku terima satu mesej, dikatakan Tuan Guru sudi untuk ke Warwick. Tapi boleh antara Selasa dan Rabu saja kerana Khamis(hari ni) sudah mau balik ke Malaysia untuk membantu kempen PAS di Tenang.

Jadi pendek kata aku setuju untuk buat talk hari Rabu, 29 Disember. Disebabkan masa yang singkat dan jemputan yang ad-hoc aku gagal untuk dapatkan bilik kuliah yang proper untuk talk. Kawan aku pesan, nak buat event untuk Tuan Guru biarlah proper sikit. Beliaukan Presiden PAS, antara calon Perdana Menteri sekiranya PR menang PRU akan datang. Aku usaha nak dapatkan bilik, tapi tak boleh booking sebab office university tutup kerana cuti New Year. Bilik2 pun penuh kerana ada Jew Conference di sekitar Warwick University. Maka hanya dapat buat diPrayer Hall.

Berkaitan dengan promosi, sekadar promosi menggunakan FB saja. Buat flyers dan tag beramai-ramai. Seterusnya bergantung kepada buah mulut rakan-rakan. Aku jangkakan dalam 30 orang yang akan hadir untuk talk ini. Lalu satu kali tu aku telefon wakil Tuan Guru dan berterus-terang, "Oleh kerana agak ad-hoc, saya hanya dapat Prayer Hall sebagai tempat. Tak ada mic, lcd projektor dsbnya. Jemputan pula saya anggarkan dalam 30 orang." Lalu aku diberitahu, tak mengapa. Tuan Guru tak kisah. Kalau beberapa orang pun beliau tak kisah. Lalu aku terfikir, betapa mudahnya nak jemput seorang ulama untuk diskusi bersama pelajar. Bukan calang-calang orang pula tu, antara ulama besar dunia.

Seterusnya aku bayangkan, kalaulah yang nak datang ni Menteri di kabinet Malaysia dan aku hanya dapat buat event di Prayer Hall. Anggaran dalam 30 orang. Tak boleh aku bayang apa kata menteri tu nanti. Sebab selalunya kalau event untuk menteri, mestilah 'grand', mesti ramai. Jika tak ramai pun, buat di hotel atau bilik kuliah yang proper dan sebagainya.

Kami di warwick pun pernah diberitahu oleh seorang pemimpin organisasi Malaysia di UK yang beliau nak buat event diwarwick. Lalu kami buatkan proposal, siapkan aturan event segalanya. Tinggal nak dapatkan 'yes' daripada pemimpin tu. Selepas hantar proposal tu kepada beliau, beliau kata "I'll contact you guys later about this." Lalu tunggu punya tunggu, sampai 10 minggu tak ada berita langsung. Pelik. Yang nak buat event, beliau sendiri. Siap proposal semuanya, hilang tanpa berita. Jadi disini aku boleh lihat dan buat kesimpulan sendiri, betapa berbezanya individu-individu berdasarkan dengan pegangan mereka. Ramai antara pemimpin yang apabila jadi pemimpin mereka merasakan mereka besar dan hebat walhal jika menurut Islam, memimpin itu adalah satu tanggungjawab dan bukannya kemegahan.

Aku cuma nak berkongsi pengalaman buat event untuk Presiden PAS yang sangat merendah diri dan bersifat redha. Sebenarnya aku amat risau tentang diskusi yang baru lepas ni. Aku risau takut ada yang tak bersetuju dengan venue di Prayer Hall. Aku risau takut tak ramai yang datang. Aku risau takut tak habis on time. Tapi Alhamdulillah, hampir 60 orang hadir, dan 40 orang tonton secara live diUstream. Event habis tepat-tepat jam 9.30pm dan tiada masalah dengan venue. Alhamdulillah kerana semuanya mendapat kemudahan daripada Allah S.W.T.

InsyaAllah masa akan datang, lebih banyak event akan dibuat di Warwick. Dah ada yang kami bincangkan nak buat, mudah-mudahan mendapat kemudahan dan dapat dilaksanakan untuk manfaat semua.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Islam,Politik&PAS by Tuan Guru Haji Hadi Awang

Baru selesai sesi diskusi bersama Tuan Guru Haji Hadi Awang, selaku ulama dan Presiden PAS di Prayer Hall, Warwick Uni. Ucapan terima kasih untuk semua yang membantu documentation of event, organisation of event dan bantu hidang dan kemaskan jamuan. Begitu juga kepada semua yang berjaya menghadirkan diri dan yang mendengar dirumah atau bilik masing-masing melalui UStream. Dianggar seramai hampir 100 orang telah turut serta dengan 60 orang hadir dan 40 melalui Ustream. Alhamdulillah.

Antara perkara yang dikongsi oleh Tuan Guru adalah, bagaimana ideologi2 dan sistem pemerintahan sekular sekarang yang semakin runtuh dan jatuh. Bagaimana jatuhnya komunisme bawaan Karl Marx, Engel, dan tokoh2 sosialis lain. Bagaimana kita lihat sistem ekonomi dunia yang berlandaskan kapitalisme semakin punah dan meleset. Tuan guru juga mengambil contoh masalah2 sosial yang berlaku didalam masyarakat sekarang. Menceritakan tentang keruntuhan akhlak masyarakat, terutamanya diMalaysia. Dan apakah penyelesaian untuk masalah dunia? Islam.

Tuan Guru menerangkan bagaimana Islam dapat membantu mengatasi masalah ekonomi, iaitu melalui penghapusan riba' dan pelaksanaan ekonomi Islam. Seterusnya penerangan tentang sistem hukum hudud dalam Islam, bagaimana salah tanggapan orang awam berkaitan hukum hudud kerana tiada ilmu dan pendedahan. Bahawa hukum hudud contoh potong tangan bukan sekadar memotong tangan, tetapi perlu ambil kira birokrasi atau syarat sebelum terjatuhnya hukum hudud itu sendiri. Proses ini tidak diterangkan. Lalu rata-rata masyarakat meng'cop' hukum hudud sebagai barbaric kerana kekurangan ilmu mengenai hukum hudud itu sendiri.

Seterusnya Tuan Guru berkongsi bahawa dalam sistem demokrasi, media adalah saksi dan rakyat adalah hakim. Tetapi akibat daripada berat sebelah dan laporan media yang tidak adil, maka rakyat gagal untuk menghakimi dengan adil. Jika kita lihat diMalaysia, laporan media utama Malaysia yang berat sebelah menyebabkan kecelaruan dalam pemahaman masyarakat. Isu2 dimainkan, dan menyebabkan salah faham.

Seterusnya Tuan Guru turut menerangkan serba sedikit hubungan dengan DAP dan PKR. dimana kollaborasi adalah bersifat longgar. PAS bekerjasama setakat mana yang mereka bersetuju. Isu-isu yang tidak mendapat persetujuan ramai, tidak dibangkitkan. Tetapi PAS tetap berpegang teguh kepada perjuangan Islam. Isu negara Islam, jika dulu Karpal Singh cakap 'langkah mayat saya dulu sebelum mau laksanakan negara Islam', sekarang Karpal Singh berkata pula "Isu negara Islam boleh dibincangkan lagi.

Antara persoalan yang ditimbulkan:
1) Bagaimana jika didalam PAS sendiri ada korupsi?
Jawapan: PAS terbuka. Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah bebas menyiasat kerana PAS sendiri tidak mau jika ada orang2 rasuah didalam PAS. Jika ada, biarlah ditangkap dan dibuang daripada parti.

2) Bagaimana peranan NGO2 Islam yang lain seperti ABIM dll diMalaysia pada pandangan PAS?
Jawapan: Untuk mentadbir, tidak boleh melalui satu pihak saja. PAS faham dan sedar, untuk mentadbir dengan berjaya, kita perlukan teknokrat2 dan golongan2 professional lain. Jadi PAS mau semua bersama-sama menggunakan kepakaran yang ada untuk menjayakan pentadbiran selagi tidak bertentangan dengan perjuangan Islam.

3) IR Nizar pernah berkata, dalam perlembagaan PAS tidak dinyatakan keinginan untuk melaksanakan negara Islam. Sila ulas.
Jawapan: Memang dalam perlembagaan PAS tidak disebut negara Islam. Istilah tidak penting. Kerana perjuangan PAS berdasarkan perlembagaan adalah untuk perjuangan yang bertepatan dengan Al-Quran, Sunnah, Khilaf Ulama. Bermakna selagi tidak lari daripada asas perjuangan ini, PAS akan menyokong dan terus berjuang.

4) Bagaimana peranan kami sebagai pelajar untuk turut membantu perjuangan PAS dalam menegakkan syariah Islam dalam pada masa yang sama mahu akur dengan kehendak kerajaan dan tanggungjawab sebagai pelajar?
Jawapan: Sebagai pelajar, jadilah yang paling cemerlang dalam bidang masing-masing. Untuk memperjuangkan Islam bukan sebagai ahli politik sahaja. Tetapi boleh juga sebagai teknokrat, atau professional. Jadi yang cemerlang dalam bidang masing2 dan balik nanti berbaktilah dalam kemampuan anda untuk Islam.

Ada banyak lagi percakapan, isi-isi dan persoalan yang dihujahkan, ditanya dan dijawab, tapi berdasarkan catatan dan ingatan, yang ditulis ini antara yang penting. Tuan Guru juga ada bercerita tentang sejarah perjuangan PAS, ketika bersatu dengan UMNO. Apa yang PAS lakukan sewaktu bersatu. Tuan Guru juga ada berkongsi kisah Rasulullah bertemu dengan bani Amir, bani Syaiban dan Bani Aus & Khazraj ketika musim haji jahilliyah untuk menyebarkan Islam dan bagaimana reaksi mereka. InsyaAllah akan ditulis dalam entri yang lain.

Notis penting:
a) Tulisan entri ini adalah gabungan daripada dua talk oleh Tuan Guru yang sempat dihadiri, yang pertama diManchester beberapa hari yang lepas dan kedua diWarwick Uni sebentar tadi.
b)Ada rakaman video dan gambar-gambar yang diambil, akan diupload dan diupdate apabila siap editing nanti.
c) Tulisan ini bukanlah sebiji-sebiji kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut Tuan Guru tapi telah diolah mengikut pemahaman saya.
d) Sebarang kesalahan atau kekurangan minta jasa baik beritahu supaya boleh diubah dengan segera.

Terima kasih dan selamat! ;)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

HarimauMalaya, Ahli Politik dan Kebencian

Skuad HarimauMalaya baru memenangi Piala AFF selepas menang aggregat menghadapi Indonesia.

Twitter aku ada mengikuti tokoh-tokoh politik Malaysia dari kerajaan dan juga pembangkang. Mukhriz, KJ, Nik Nazmi, Chegubard dan lain-lain lagi. Sepanjang aku mengikuti twitter-twitter ini, selalunya setiap hari dapat membaca twitter-twitter cemuhan dari satu pihak ke pihak yang lain. Namun sepanjang perlawanan antara HarimauMalaya dengan Skuad Garuda, aku dapat lihat tak ada cemuhan-cemuhan dilontarkan oleh mana-mana pihak. Semua yang keluar adalah kata-kata sokongan buat HarimauMalaya.

Maka aku akan ingat, waktu dimana ahli-ahli politik kita berhenti seketika daripada mencemuh antara satu sama lain adalah bila HarimauMalaya memenangi Piala AFF. Cuma persoalannya, sampai bila?

Tak sampai beberapa minit selepas tu, aku nampak seorang tokoh politik pembangkang dah memulakan 'hate twit' semula. Dan kembali ke keadaan sediakala.

Sambil-sambil itu mau promosi event untuk malam ini di Warwick University. Seperti didalam flyers dibawah. ;)


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Second Winter in Coventry

It's my second winter here in the United Kingdom. Still this winter brings mesmerization to me as though it's my first ever winter. Like it's the first time when I met Mr snow. Here's are some pictures of the first drop of snow here in Coventry taken two weeks ago.

Hearsall Common. The common where the first jet were flew.

The first few drops of snow

Frost on plants

Frosting grass

Frost on plants

I have no proper plans to go on vacation this winter. But I do have a winter camp next week for around 4 days. And some paperworks to complete and an assignment due in January 2011.

p/s: photos are taken by my phone camera. DSLR tinggal kat Malaysia, kerana diservis.

Selamat! and Happy winter holiday! ;)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Volunteering chances in Malaysia!

In more or less 8 months we are going to launch our Projek Kalsom 17 in Melaka. For those in Malaysia who wants to contribute, you can donate through our online Rm5 campaign (refer to the flyers above). Or help spread this words to your family, relatives and friends.

We are looking for volunteers too for our 'Free Tuition Scheme' programme. It is highly experimental at the moment. We plan to conduct a free tuition for secondary school student at Seri Setia area at the moment. Who ever wants to volunteer and play a role in our Free Tuition Scheme to help give our youths any kind of useful knowledge, please do inform our guy Muhsin Hassan (Malaysian Regional Director) at

Muhsin is also looking for willing volunteers in any Semenanjung state to help us run fundraising events for Projek Kalsom and be a part of our Malaysia Division committee team.

Any kind of help. Any kind of suggestions. and any kind of donation are very much appreciated and will be used to help build a decent now for a better future for our Malaysian youths.

Selamat! ;)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wonders of facebook

Facebook telah membawa revolusi kepada dunia. Perubahan-perubahan major dari segi komunikasi, budaya, kesukanan, politik dan sebagainya.

Kita boleh lihat facebook semakin digunapakai oleh pemimpin-pemimpin politik dalam menyebarkan propaganda mereka. Pemimpin yang tidak menggunakan facebook, twitter, blog secara efektif, aku anggap sebagai pemimpin yang bakal ditelan peredaran zaman danakan menjadi kurang relevan kepada kita. Begitu juga bagi pemimpin yang menggunapakai facebook sekadar medium untuk upload gambar-gambar 'turun padang' dan seterusnya twitter untuk memberitahu orang ramai berapa banyak gambar 'turun padang' yang diupload difacebooknya. Ini namanya, gagal menggunapakai dan utilise kekuatan medium online seperti facebook dan twitter.

Seterusnya kita boleh lihat perubahan budaya. Yang mana rata-rata ucapan perayaan, selamat, tahniah, takziah dsbnya dizahirkan difacebook. Cukup. Terutama ucapan selamat harijadi. Cukup dengan notifikasi facebook berkaitan harijadi kita, orang ramai akan mula mengucapkan harijadi difacebook, kadang-kadang kita tak kenal pun siapa. Aku pernah membuat eksperimen kecil-kecilan dengan menukar tarikh harijadi aku ke tarikh lain. Dan didapati banyak ucapan harijadi di wall aku di hari seterusnya. Yang lebih menarik, ada antara mereka yang rapat dengan aku pun turut mengucapkan selamat hari jadi. This is the power of facebook and what we see as going to the path of total reliance on technology.

Seterusnya kita boleh lihat komunikasi dipermudahkan dan dipercepatkan. Betapa kurangnya thrill belajar diluar negara apabila berkomunikasi bersama keluarga tersayang hanya dihujung jari. Bila bertemu dengan generasi lama yang belajar diluar negara tahun 70 dan 80an, mereka berkata, suasana lain dulu dan sekarang. Betullah tu, dulu tak ada facebook. Dengan facebook, segalanya menjadi lebih mudah dan percuma! Sehinggakan terlalu mudah sampai kadang-kadang kita alami situasi dimana apa sahaja yang kita buat, diketahui oleh keluarga dirumah. Malah informasi yang kita tak mahu tersebar. Maka oleh kerana itu ia boleh mengakibatkan dua perkara. Pertama, hubungan bersama keluarga menjadi lebih rapat dan 'there's no secret between us'. Ataupun, keluarga tidak dianggap keluarga difacebook dan tidak diapprove. Terutamanya makcik-makcik yang dianggap lebih suka menjaga tepi kain kita daripada tepi kain sendiri.

Seterusnya facebook juga menjadi medium kita mencanangkan propaganda dan aktiviti kita sesama kawan. Ironinya facebook diasaskan oleh yahudi dan diwar-warkan menjadi medium pengumpulan data manusia oleh CIA, namun pantas saja aku tengok rakan-rakan muslim membuat 'event' usrah atau talk online berkaitan Islam dan pantas lagi promosi menerusi 'spam inbox atau wall' rakan-rakan lain dan lebih pantas lagi setelah event itu berakhir, mereka meng'post' borang feedback untuk mendapat penilaian umum berkaitan event tadi agar untuk event masa depan dapat dibaik pulih sebarang kesilapan. Walaupun usaha millat facebook yang berwarna hijau itu gagal mendapat perhatian umum terutamanya umat Islam, bukan kerana kita mau sokong yahudi. Tetapi aku rasa adalah kerana faktor-faktor usia, sejarah dan kelebihan application yang ada pada facebook.

Seterusnya kita boleh lihat betapa beruntungnya orang sekarang. Kerana bagi manusia, tujuan utama berkomunikasi adalah untuk didengari. To get the message across. Namun dulu, tak aa medium yang memudahkan komunikasi serupa ini. Sekarang? Ada facebook. Apa saja yang mau diluahkan, dilepaskan, biarlah apa-apa berkaitan dengan emosi, amarah, sedih, gembira atau sebagainya boleh dilepaskan difacebook. Yang lebih menarik, apa yang kita luahkan pasti akan secara langsung (apabila rakan-rakan meng'like' atau komen pada status) didengari atau secara tidak langsung (apabila tiada orang like atau komen) turut didengari kerana sistem notifikasi facebook memudahkan proses penyampaian maklumat kepada rakan-rakan kita tanpa mereka mahu atau sedari. Dengan ini wujudlah golongan 'attention seeker' yang selalunya membicarakan hal-hal hati dan perasaan mereka tanpa orang lain ingin tahu.

Jadi dengan ini aku ingin memproklamasikan facebook sebagai salah satu 'new wonder of the world' setelah mengamati kekuatan medium facebook ini.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Recent riot in London due to student fees increase

Protesters at Trafalgar Square tried to lit up a Big Christmas tree
Thugs jumping of burnt benches at Parliament Square
A girl disrespecting Britains' War Warriors
Bulls' eye! A policeman hit with paintball
Terrified Charles and Camilla, attacked in their cosy Rolls Royce
Public, majority of students attended the 'peaceful' riot which turned bloody
Student urinating at Britains' father, Churchills' statue
Security Hut burnt at Parliament Square

I feel demonstration is a way of expressing views, opinions and concerns by the public when other measurements are not taken into consideration by the government. The question is, to what extend should we allow this kind of freedom of speech? as there will be people driven by their own motivation to turn such events into disasters to suit their interests.

This reflects the current political situation in Malaysia too.

Peace and out!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One small deed can lead to a big change.

Aku baru balik dari London. Semalam aku bermalam di Arsenal, sekali lagi di tempat Khairul. Tujuan ke London kerana mau berbincang berkaitan tentang Projek Kalsom. Alhamdulillah perbincangan berjalan lancar dah satu konsensus dapat dicapai tentang arah tuju masa depan Projek Kalsom.

Sungguh perkara-perkara kecil dapat memberikan impak besar kepada sesuatu perkara. Apa yang kita lakukan dalam skala kecil mungkin membawa lebih makna kepada diri kita. Betullah bila sasterawan negara, A. Samad Said cakap, perkara-perkara kecil yang dilakukan oleh orang besar untuk orang kecil adalah besar maknanya bagi orang kecil. Aku amat bersetuju. Sekiranya seseorang pemimpin membalas mesej twitter atau komen di blog oleh seorang rakyat pun adalah besar maknanya bagi rakyat itu. Terasa dihargai dan diberi perhatian oleh pemimpin.

Aku rasa, untuk masa depan politik yang lebih cerah, barisan pihak kerajaan Barisan Nasional perlu lebih berpegang kepada kata-kata sasterawan negara kita ini. Segala eksklusiviti perlu dibuang. Distinguishment antara pemimpin besar dan rakyat-rakyat semut perlu dilimitasikan sekecil-kecilnya dan dihapuskan seterusnya. Untuk terus berkuasa melakukan perubahan, perkara ini perlu diadaptasi. Pemimpin besar tidak sebesar mana tanpa sokongan rakyat marhaen sekalian. Jika perkara ini boleh diadaptasi oleh pasukan jentera kerajaan Barisan Nasional, nescaya akan lebih menyukarkan usaha pembangkang untuk mengambilalih Putrajaya.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Isu Air Syabas

Setelah puas berdemo bersama anak-anak kecil dan keluarga yang tersayang, aku ingin menyeru tuan-tuan dan puan-puan semua untuk mendengar penjelasan isu air oleh Pengarah Eksekutif Syabas, Abdul Halem Mat Som di sini.


Sunday, December 05, 2010

Cartoons campaign

As a campaign to stop child-violence, people change their fb profile picture to their favourite cartoon character. Well, I couldn't decide the one character I favour the most so I post ten here. Some of them are known to many, some are not. Some are international, while some are local. Enjoy, ;)

I'm a big fan of slapstick cartoons, especially the kind where no dialogues get involved. And I kind of love some cartoons because of their exceptional poor quality of production, scripts and voices used that they make me not want to miss them. And I also believe, cartoons with moral teachings should be lessen. It takes out the fun cause cartoons represent imagination. I for sure do not want imagination to be limited to only orthodox beliefs of the world being a nice place where people help and correct each other doings when it's not always the case. However to disclaim, I believe cartoons should not be misused to wrongly represent believes of ones culture and as a mean of provocation.

At the end of the day, the purpose of this entry is to promote the case against child-violence. Now, what are your cartoon favourites?

Cheers ;)

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Zaid Ibrahim, after leaving PKR.

I don't think it's fair for Pakatan people to criticise him for his decision to leave PKR after the controversy in PKR's election. Party hopping or leaving has become quite a trend nowadays that it's a common culture until the word 'katak' has become sort of like an official political jargon in Malaysian political review.

In this case, Zaid should be respected for his firm decision.

People criticised and said he should learn to work as a team member. I believe it's true but deciding to leave a party where he went to after he quitted his official minister position is something more than 'not being able to work as a team'. It is absurd for someone who were able to become a minister and senior political person in the oldest political party in Malaysia to not have teamwork spirit and ability.

Therefore I respect his decision and vision of politics in Malaysia and wish him all the success and good luck in the future. I hope his decision will be another turning point for Malaysia political direction which will give more balance and variety to our political scene.

You can access his first interview with Free Malaysia Today after leaving PKR here.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Political Ideologies explained in 15 minutes

You herd your landlord's cow and get some milk in return.

Pure Socialism
You have two cows, the government takes and manages all the cows and give you milk in return.

Bureaucratic Socialism
Your cows are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the gov took from the farmers. You'll need to fill up 3 different coloured forms to request for chicken-feed, cows milk and meat. You'll be put into the waiting list and after a minimum period of 2 weeks or maximum period of God-knows-when, you'll get the reply saying, 'Please attach 2 passport size photos for identification and resend your application' and it goes on.

You have two cows. The government takes all, hires you to take care of them and sell the milk to you.

Wrongly Interpreted Communism
You have two cows. The government demands your cows, if you said 'you don't have any' they'll make you their cows. If you give them your cows, they'll ask for more and you'll have to say 'you don't have any' and then they'll make you their cows.

Chinese Post-Communism
You can only have one cow in your whole insignificant life. If the cow died when you're old, suck it up and learn to live with it. it's just your fate.

Cambodian Communism
You have two cows. The gov takes both and kills you.

You have two cows. The gov takes both and drafts you.

Pure Democracy
You have two cows. Your neighbours decide who gets the milk.

You have two cows. You hire someone to feed, herd, sell and make fortunes from your cows. You pay that someone a glass of milk every month and tax 25% of the milk.
you don't have cows. So you can't have cows as you have no cows to put up as collateral damage to get loans from the bank to buy cows. Hence in the end you only have one choice, to become that someone who got hired and paid a glass of milk that got taxed.
Tax money might be used to better the cow farm's environment so the cow owner get more profits and cow herder get better working conditions.

Pure Anarchy
You have two cows. Either you get to sell the cows at reasonable price or you get killed and your cows stolen by your neighbour.

Malaysian Style Democracy
You have two cows. Two things can happen.
If you're a crony, you can get tax-exemption for having cows, you can get more cows, you can get to sell your cow milks or meats at fixed high price or you can get to build the highest and biggest cow farm project.
If you're not a crony, you might be charged for trying to sodomise your cows or you get to start your 'anti mega cow farm' agenda.

UK Style Democracy
You have two cows. You have all the freedom and access to demand for more cows or better quality cows or better quality of cows feed and health treatment. But the government don't really care and aren't really listening to your opinions. They will still cut cow subsidisation and ask you to pay more to learn how to breed cows.
And those who work like cows to earn two cows are asked to pay one and a half cows as tax while those who doesn't have cows, get free meat and drinks every day. It's called 'benefits'


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Twitter Projek Kalsom: here
Facebook Projek Kalsom: here
Website Projek Kalsom: here

We are looking for an honest webmaster whom are willing to help maintain our Projek Kalsom's website. If interested please contact me at:

Things getting more hectic. Ain't this fun? ;)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Forum: Who is Muhammad?


A talk was conducted by ISoc Warwick just now at Warwick Uni and the topic was 'Who is Muhammad?' I didn't know what to expect from this talk but I still went. The speakers were 2 ladies, Sister Myriam Francois Cerrah and Sister Kristiane Backer and a gentleman, Brother Salim. Brother Hamza Andreas Tzortzis was supposed to come but pulled out last minute due to some personal problems.

Some of the issues that can be highlighted are as such:

a) Sister Myriam talked about rights. Human rights, legal rights and sacred rights. She criticised the current system of the law where human rights are not always right and lack morality. She mentioned human rights are supposed to come with morality values because law and human rights are as good as the people who implement them. Taking the example of Israelites phosphorus bombing in Palestines, she said the action is unjust but nothing has been done in this human made law system.

b) Sister Myriam also said Islam is not only a religion or an ideology for the society. Islam brings about message of self reformation. Islam is about reforming oneself to become breathing and living individuals of Islam. Islam is not about changing societies but about changing oneself first. Islam is about pefecting oneself.

c) Sister Myriam then brought up the issue of slavery saying slavery still exist in our society. The biggest of all is sex-slavery where children are forced to be sex slaves. Some examples and statistics are, a family sells their daughter for $500 and the girl needs to be sex slave to 2000 men before getting her freedom back. The girl is paid 20 cent for every man. Imagine what kind of future does the girl has? Sister Myriam mentioned too that in India (as an example) exists millions of sex slaves.

d) Sister Kristiane talked in regards to environment. She quoted few quotes like 'Muhammad is sent as mercy to mankind'. Muhammad is also considered as role model to millions of people. She mentioned Rasulullah teachings and preachings about green living where we live by respecting the environment (trees, animals etc) All life are sacred, even ants life as in the Quran there is even a surah named 'The Ant'

e) Brother Salim started his speech with an interesting quotation. Ignorance in oneself can lead to fear which will then lead to confusion. What is the cure for ignorance? Knowledge! He mainly talked about living the example of the prophets rather than only talking about it. Brother Salim stressed that Muslims should be the living symbol of justice and rise above name-calling, prosecution and physical punishment towards people who are hateful to us. He quoted Muhammad saw, "He who abuse a non muslim citizen in a muslim country without justification will be my enemy during the day of judgement." Quoting this brother Salim said Muslims should learn to forgive and lead by examples. We must understand that the are people who fear Islam and Muslims because they do not understand Islamic teachings. Brother Salim urged us to understand this people and find ways to help them understand and not hate them for hating us. We should love everyone and show them that we care because that is what Muhammad saw did.

The talk progresses towards Q and A session which will not be explained in details as the session basically covered the topic discussed above.

Event page for the talk can be found here.

Salam ;)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The day when we smile humourlessly,

Frosting grass upon the terrain,
murky haze and somber weather,
accompanying blow of frigid wind,
gives a chill and shrilling pressure,

Like an omen it's telling us,
a great loss of such a loving heart,
in a split second it just came,
only another to destroy,

Oh this world and all the happening,
it's hard to see them as plain just,
but as it is to be obeyed,
as nothing can amend faith,
lest for one and that's we pray,
for rest in peace we hope he may.

EidulAdha came bringing history lessons of our two prophets to believers.
EidulAdha came bringing mournful news to a friend of mine.
This EidulAdha is the day when we smile humourlessly.

Al-Fatihah for Uncle Mohamad Rasidi, son of his mother Mek Stawar.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A night at Khairul's in Highbury

I went to London last weekend to attend a UKEC interview for junior executive position which were described as being the internship process for UKEC. The role of junior exec were also described as being the 'balaci' for other higher execs in UKEC by one of my friends. Well, with being the 'balaci' then only you'll know the true nature of its execution right? ;) That's one of the reason why I decided to go for the post. I was asked, you already have PROJEK KALSOM in hands, why junior executive? Apart from wanting to learn how UKEC does things, I have personal reasons for this. Well I didn't know of UKEC in my first year. Had I known, I would have gone for it. So, this is to compensate for my 'sort of loss' in my first year. And this is basically like a challenge for myself. How far can I go. I believe, being a youth and ambitious, I might as well test myself in this manner. Having 3 organisations to juggle while at the same time to fulfill my responsibility as a scholar here is personal ambition I would say. I believe I can do it, this is the test to check my belief.

As the title suggests, I was welcomed by Khairul Ariffin and Yan. Khairul, a young lad, ambitious too and has all the positiveness to try and change this world to a better place. He's helping with PROJEK KALSOM's video and publicity voluntarily. Yan, a very unique lady. She's the kind of lady I would expect to meet in an 'Alice in the Wonderland' type of story. Now don't ask me why would I described her in such a way, I can't explain, I just do.

They welcomed me with a meal, fish and chips, claimed to be 'the best in the world' by Yan. And after tasting it, I would say very much the same. At least the best fish and chips I've ever tasted. Then we went to Khairul's place, an awesome place in the old former Arsenal's Highbury stadium. Spent a night there where we talked about many stuffs ranging from Malaysian political scene until the reform in education as proposed by Sir Ken Robinson. Which was a former lecturer in Warwick Unversity. Exchanged books ranging from 'A Rebel's guide to Marxism' to political economics books suggested by Yan i.e. Freakonomics which I have yet to be able to find and read. The awesome thing was, I received a copy of the Inception script written by Christopher Nolan himself. Khairul also taught me some tips in script-writing accompanied by the awesome 'Hummingbird Bakery Cupcake - Red Velvet' and 'Yan's Homemade Lasagne'. In the morning we ate breakfast and off I go for UKEC interview. There were a 'London Jazz Festival' that saturday evening which I missed. Entirely because I didn't know of it and had bought a fixed return ticket to Coventry at 5.43pm. Darn! Must try to go next year if I have the chance. Before boarding my train, I had another go on the fish and chips meal.

All in all, arrived in Coventry at 6 something pm with a soar feet, the new pair of shoes is yet to fit in well with my feet, but satisfied. Had I decided not to go for UKEC interview, I can never know how the process looks like and didn't get the chance to learn the work of Sir Ken Robinson and other discreet stuffs which are not to be said here.

Cheers and Salam! ;)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Talk and Dicussion: Revolutionary ideas of Karl Marx

I managed to take part in a one and a half hour discussion held by 'the socialist workers' movement in my university yesterday 12th of Nov 2011. They discussed Marx and Engel ideas of Socialist Revolution in the meet.

To briefly share, the idea of Marxist revolution came about after the birth of the new capitalist system. Capitalist system being the market-driven economic system. Before capitalism, people lived in the era of Feudalism where the living conditions were hard. Only a small group of people managed to live good life by suppressing the majority 'peasants'. This lead to the revolution of Market-driven economic system which was thought as the saviour which can bring people out of their misery of being enslave.

A large part of this system was written in 'Wealth of Nations' a book by Adam Smith. So at first, people thought capitalism can save them from the iron grip of feudalism. But Marx and Engel thought differently. They see capitalism as a new sign of oppression in a different way compared to Feudalism. Kings, barons were replaced by another line-up of oppressor who took opportunity of the new system to enslave the mass. People didn't have to work for the kings anymore but they had to 'cash in' their labour force, their sweats and energies in order to live. Everything is profit-driven. Production goes mass until it overcome the need. The market keeps expanding but the question is, to what extend? Marx said capitalism is a system that can only hold until a time before it exploded.

Therefore Marx suggested the idea of Communism and Proletarian Dictatorship which were largely misinterpreted. If we come across the word communist and dictatorship, we will think of the cruelty and mass killing in history. We will think of Stalin, communist in Malaya and etc. Whereares, Marx and Engels ideas are different. They believe that power to be in the hands of workers, the mass or as they call it, the proletariats. They said having someone to decide for the fate of the mass (current existing system of democracy) is not democracy at all.

However to criticise the approach of Marxists, I would say that Marx and Engel did not offer solid foundation of Proletarian Dictatorship type of administration. By saying that people take charge and have the power, we can ask few questions that are oftenly failed to be answered clearly by the Marxists. What kind of power? Who's in charge? What kind of governance is proletarian dictatorship?

Marxists also said they believe in equal opportunity for all. Not that I don't. But to be realistic, the idea of equal opportunity is very idealistic in a sense that it is impossible to be realized. At least not until humans learn to not be selfish and put others first before ourselves.

To add to the counter-arguments towards Marxism, I believe Communism and Proletarian Dictatorship lacks competition. If people get paid similarly. No extra effort is needed to better oneself. Hence we will lack healthy competition. Without healthy competition, motivation is killed. Therefore, what is the need to sacrifice our time to studying medicine for at least 6 years if what we get is the same as those who don't even put their effort to better themselves?

Lastly, it is believed human in nature is egoistic, selfish and individualistic, at least to some extent. With all these characteristics of humans, communism and proletarian dictatorship are impossible to be achieved as to achieve them, we will need a collectivist approach. And collectivist approach is often doomed by the existence of egosim, selfishness and individualism.

To conclude, from the interesting discussion we had. I personally believed what we need in the system now is for Marxist and Socialist to fight and find ways to improvise Capitalism until the time where Capitalism and Socialism can co-exist side by side. It is proven now that we can't have a 100% capitalist system but we can never have a 100 socialism system too. Therefore what we need is a collaboration between the two so that by compromising, we can reach to a conclusion where a new and refresh market system is born.

*Note: The discussion is done not from a religious point of view.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Talk by YB Nik Nazmi of Seri Setia at Warwick

A forum was co-hosted by Kelab UMNO West Midlands and Malaysia Student Association of Warwick involving 2 speakers, YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad (PKR Communication Director) and Farquar Haqqani (UKEC Chairman)

The topic was budget 2011 by the government and there were lots of criticism towards the budget in general. One of issues about budget 2011 that was brought up was Menara Warisan. Nik Nazmi told us the problem with this is that government shouldn't announced the mega project in budget 2011 because it involves PNB and not the government.

The talk however progresses in the Q and A session where students ask questions that are PKR-related as to the issue of Zaid Ibrahim, the status of Anwar Ibrahim, manipulation of voting system in PKR and etc.

As for the issue of Zaid Ibrahim, Nik Nazmi defended the party by saying that Zaid shouldn't be acting like he is. Nik Nazmi mentioned that Zaid failed to attend many party meetings and he feels that every reports or suggestions to better the party should been done in the party meeting closely. He further criticises Zaid as being non-collective by resorting to extreme solution by giving up all his position and criticising the party in public.

As to the issue of voting manipulation Nik Nazmi came to defend the party by saying that it could happen only in isolated cases. Mustaffa Kamil Ayub, candidate for deputy presidential said that there were cases where ballots were sold to other members and this manipulate the voting process. Nik Nazmi said the colour of the ballots are changed every week and this make it harder for people to sell and buy ballots.

Nik Nazmi also stressed that PKR fight is more than 'putting Anwar in Putrajaya', Anwar Ibrahim as he said is only a symbol of injustice done in Malaysia. "If such thing can happen to No. 2 person in Malaysia, imagine what can happen to the commoners?" as said by Nik Nazmi.

Nik Nazmi pointed out, when asked the question of what is the stance for Pakatan Rakyat coalition towards the issue of gambling and alcoholism, that gambling and alcoholism should not be looked upon as the issue of religion only. It involves the threat to social condition in Malaysia. YB emphasised alcoholism and gambling should be tackled widely as it threaten the social condition of Malaysia and the Pakatan Rakyat believes that these problems must be tackled. The problem is the power of authorisation remains in the hand of our Federal Government thus making it harder for the Pakatan Rakyat governed states to stop alcoholism and gambling in their respective states.

The Communication Director for PKR however failed to give a clear answer in regards to the question of what is the status of Anwar Ibrahim in the party and why is he more influential than the president, Wan Azizah, herself.

Personally, I agree to the reform in voting system by PKR where '1 man 1 vote' is introduced as this might help lessen money politics during party election. The talk by YB Nik Nazmi is somewhat agreeable to many extent as an example the problem of gambling and alcoholism. I believe our government should put more effort in reducing the selling of alcohol and restricting illegal gambling operations that are harmful especially to our youths. However, let's hope that this view is similarly shared by all party components in PR because from what I see, not much have been done in Pulau Pinang (DAP) to control alcoholism and illegal gambling compared to what is done in Selangor (PKR).

It is also a good sign to see that Malaysia is going forward to having a two-party system in our political scene as this will ensure healthy competition and gives rakyat the chance to choose which one is the best. Public will benefit more because government will need to do more rakyat-friendly stuffs to win over the people during election.

Ont he other hand, Barisan Nasional, particularly UMNO should take the rising movement of PR, especially PKR very seriously and start to 'berpijak di bumi yang nyata'. It's time to actively engage the people with UMNO. Stop the exclusivity of UMNO and attract interest especially from potential youths cause PR is doing their best to get the best fresh brains of Malaysia into their team. If the exclusive mentality and arrogance in UMNO are not leave behind, it is not impossible to see that one day the public might decide to give a chance to Pakatan Rakyat to have their seats in Putrajaya.

Monday, November 08, 2010

An appeal to fellow Malaysians in UK and Eire

Being among the states that offer a cheap range of food and greener scenery in my previous roadtrip, Kedah and Perlis were quite memorable to me. Being in this part of the world which is around 20 hours of flight back to Malaysia, it's heart-breaking to learn that my fellow Malaysians are suffering from flood. It is also heartening to see that technology can bring us benefits when I saw this facebook event created by people whom two of them are my friends here

Again it is up to us to determine what kind of outcome that we want from something. If it's disastrous intention, we'll end up doing dishonourable things. Yet if what we intent to is of greater good, we can end up being like the kind people who created the facebook group and their team of fellow Malaysians whom although being far away from home, are all willing to look back and find out what is happening. And to find ways to contribute in anyway they can to help solve problems.

The least I can do is to promote this noble action and the least you can do is spare some cash into their accounts. Details are as such:

Please donate towards GALAKSI's floods response.

UK Bank account;

Name: MSMR
Account Number: 28095568
Sort code: 30-96-91
Reference: KFEA

Ireland Bank Account;
Name: MRAM
Account Number : 72508064
Sort code : 930121
Reference: KFEA

I have no information of their Malaysian account but I know for sure people in Malaysia must be aware of this. Do help out in anyway we can. InsyaAllah, God bless our doings regardless of our religion, race or status because in the end it is the 'niat' that counts.


Anak muda Malaysia,
Reverie Malaya

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Review: Are Muslim being demonized in the West? by Mehdi Hassan

Salam to all

This talk was conducted last 28th Oct 2010 at H0.52 in Uni of Warwick. To find out more about the speaker you can google it up or click the link here -> x

Well Mehdi Hassan managed to deliver the talk in a very interesting and yet informative way. Cracking jokes from time to time, I didn't feel bored. The good part is, the jokes were all related to the topics we were discussing.

Now, is Muslim being demonised in the West? Mehdi conducted a survey in UK at few places. Some statistics mentioned involving words that are always associated with Muslim or Islam in the media in the West are, Islamophobic, terrorist, bombs and etc. All of these words bring negative meaning to Islam and Muslim. I failed to register the exact statistics mentioned but Mehdi did said out loud the statistics to all of the audiences.

Next he told us about another experiment he did with his friends. They took newspaper headlines or articles that are negative on Islam or Muslim and bring it out to the public. They then changed the word Islam with other 'minority group' words such as, Jews, Hindus, Blacks, Negros etc etc. They showed this to the public and watched and recorded how they responded and there were outraged and lots of angriness in the public when they showed this 'altered and changed' articles. After that, they show the original article with the word Islam/ Muslim on it to the enraged public and their response were like, "Oh really. this is normal." and suddenly all the outrage and anger were gone. This shows the double-standard and difference mentality of the public in the West towards negative stories about Islam and negative stories about other minority groups.

Mehdi Hassan also pointed out that almost all negative stories about islam printed by the media here were untrue and exaggerated. There were quite a number of summons won by Muslims when they fined the media for telling untrue stories. One interesting case was when the media reported "Muslim bus driver asks passengers to go out of his bus because he wants to pray." Well, the real situation behind this issue was the Muslim bus driver was told to stop as his manager wants to transfer the passenger in his bus to another bus because of some technical problems. While the transferring process goes on, the bus driver decided to perform solat on the bus as he has some free time and it is time to pray. This was then reported by a media saying that some sort of evil muslim tries to get rid of everyone, to pray.

After his speeches, some Q and A session was opened up to the floor with many interesting questions asked. Mehdi was asked what should we do being Muslims to face this demonisation problem in the West? He gave quite a resonable answer. He said Muslims should train ourselves not only spiritually but also to become people who are academically and socially capable of facing the public and speaking on behalf of Islam. We need more scholars and people who can answer all the accusation being thrown to us by others. We need people who can educate the public about the real value of Islam. Hence I urge all of us to equip ourselves and improvise so that we can become soldiers of Allah and fight through the way of Islam. In this modernise world, words and letters are stronger than swords thus we need to be intelligent, wise and capable to efficiently fight for the cause of Islam.

Good thing about this talk is, there were quite a number of non-muslims attending the talk too. May all of us benefited from the talk and this review.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Projek Kalsom 17 "One Pound Drive"

The Projek Kalsom "One Pound Donation Drive" (Online) has been launched! Please, we need generous people such as you to continue to support this charitable cause. Please make your donations to:

Name : Projek Kalsom
Sort Code : 40-18-17
Account Number : 74048938
HSBC Bank Plc, 55 Corporation Street, Coventry CV1 1GX

Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity; and if you could spread the word to your family and friends to support this
charitable cause, that would be AWESOME! :D

The paragraphs above were written by Projek Kalsom 17 Director, a young and ambitous Malaysian lady currently studying in Bristol. Well, One pound drive is a donation campaign for Projek Kalsom. Those of you who don't know what's Projek Kalsom, kindly refer to ;)

We need all cents and coins you can spare for Projek Kalsom and you can help this noble cause through our One Pound Drive. All of the funds raised will be used for Projek Kalsom 17 and future Projek Kalsoms expenditure in terms of books, shirts, transportation and other fees. All of the money will benefit Malaysian youths involve in this project.

Folks, donating can never be easier! Donate Online now! ;)

Yours sincerely,
Reverie Malaya

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Belum mula lagi 'Demam Paramore' di Birmingham

Datang sudah cerita 'Mogwai' pada 24 Februari 2011 akan datang.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Malaysians common ground


To address the issue of unity among Malaysia's multi-racial community we need to be able to identify the differences in Malaysia. Malaysians are always bombarded with the ideology of differences in race in Malaysia. As for example there are Malays, Chinese, Indians and other races and each race has their own rights to protect. Always in the newspaper the issue of Malay Special Rights and Privileges being played upon to enrage the Malay population. Not forgetting the historical Mei 1969 that can't never be forgotten. Other than these, the issue of religions are circulating from time to time as well to attract the attention of Malaysians that "Hey! You are a Malay and Muslim, and you are entirely different than a Chinese, Christian or an Indian Hindu."

Well as for me, after identifying the root of all of these differences, we need to look further and deeper into a more serious issue other than our physical differences in which none of us can do anything about it! Like what the late Tun Razak said after the 13 Mei tragedy, "the main issue for this tragedy is economic differences." And guess what, it is still the issue of the century in regards to Malaysian unity. This issue never changes!

After working out the 'fake' and 'can't do anything about it' differences between us Malaysians and learning the fact that since more than 50 years ago, economic differences have always been the root of the problem for us Malaysians to achieve unity, then we'll figure out what's our common ground. And it is simple, our common ground is economy.

Gathering as Malays won't do much difference because Malays are Malays. I respect Malays special privileges cause it's written in the constitution since the beginning of Malaysia. And I don't think the real issue is Malay privileges. If we want to talk about privileges, then let's do it openly and discuss on why should we have a number of different types of schools under our education ministry? What's the need to Chinese type school and Indian type school when we can all have one united Malaysian school and at the same time have Mandarin and Tamil taught as elective subjects? Why should we give privileges to these type of school? I don't really like talking about this but we shouldn't let our eyes and anger get focused on these 'small-small' issues but to set on the main, big and the only issue! The income gap between classes!

Income gap is across the race boundary, even if you're a Malay or Indian or of Iban ancestory, if you own more than 10k per month, all of you will still fall under the 'high income' class or the upper class. And even if you're a chinese or Indian, if you own only Rm500 per month then you falls into the low income or lower class. Hence what should we, as Malaysians talk about is this income gap. The need for our administration to concentrate more on bridging the income gap between our classes. This is because the larger the income gap gets, it means more trouble. Certainly we don't want only a small group of people or capitalist organisations getting richer and richer and let me tell you, this group of people don't even care whether they're Chinese, Malay or Indians. They will be satisfied as long as the money keeps coming in. At the end, it is us, the majority people that keep on fighting about races, colour differences, eating habits and stuffs. Well news for the Malay totok, if we address the issue from the income gap perspective, we will be doing the poor people a favour in helping them gain more income to go through daily lifes and let me ask you. In Malaysia, which race made up the majority of people from lower class? I bet even a primary school pupil can answer that.

Hence after all this discussion, will you still naively think that our problems are only caused by differences in races, skin colours and eating habits?


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jangan kekalkan budaya maktab!


Tersentuh aku untuk menulis permasalahan tentang pemikiran atau mentaliti pemikiran maktab terutamanya bagi mahasiswa-mahasiswi berkelulusan maktab. Dalam skop ini biar aku kupas budaya maktab berdasarkan pengalaman selama 2 tahun di Maktab atau namanya sekarang Institut Perguruan. Maktab yang mana sebelum ini selalunya dipandang lebih lekeh berbanding universiti kerana tidak berkelayakan untuk mengeluarkan kelulusan bertahap ijazah. Perkara ini sudah semakin berubah dengan rata-rata maktab-maktab mengalami transformasi dimana nama maktab diubah kepada Institut Perguruan dengan beberapa penambah-baikan yang positif antaranya seperti Institut Perguruan(IP) sudah berkelayakan untuk mengeluarkan kelulusan bertaraf ijazah.

Namun apa yang kita alami sekarang ni adalah masalah pemikiran dimana mentaliti pemikiran kebanyakan mahasiswa itu masih lagi ditahap maktab. Bergelar mahasiswa bermakna kita adalah contoh cemerlang didalam akademik, sosial, kepimpinan dan kerohanian kerana untuk bergelar seorang mahasiswa, pelajar perlu melepasi had-had minimum yang ditetapkan dalam penilaian ujian. Namun begitu antara masalah utama bagi pelajar maktab adalah dari segi pendidikan. Sebagai bakal pendidik yang akan melahirkan lebih ramai golongan berpendidikan dan bersosial tinggi, mahasiswa IP perlulah lebih berdaya saing dan sentiasa mencari peluang memperbaiki diri terutamanya dalam pembelajaran. Namun situasi yang kita alami sekarang adalah amat berbeza. Syllabus pembelajaran yang tidak terlalu menekan, sistem peperiksaan dan sistem penilaian kerja kursus yang longgar telah sedikit sebanyak mencacatkan kebolehan pelajar IP untuk menjadi seorang guru yang bukan saja lebih berilmu malah lebih berdisiplin. Apa nak kata sekiranya sebelum peperiksaan, ada bocor skema jawapan kepada pelajar-pelajar IP? Juga kerja kursus yang longgar dan selalu berlaku dimana pelajar setakat copy & paste kerja pelajar lama. Apakah imej guru yang kita cuba sampaikan disini? Bagaimana kita nak melahirkan guru yang matang dan berdisiplin sekiranya di peringkat pengajaran sebegini sudah tiada sistem untuk mendisiplinkan diri.

Seterusnya permasalahan dari segi sosial. Bagi aku IP adalah satu institusi yang besar kerana terdapat banyak IP di seluruh negara. Sama seperti UiTM. Namun kelebihan ini tidak berjaya dimanipulasi oleh rata-rata pemimpin IP yang cuma berfikir setakat untuk 'One term' atau berfikiran lokal dan tidak nasional. Tugas pemimpin IP Ipoh tidak tertakluk kepada hubungan dengan HEP atau masalah lokal seperti siapa bermain mercun dan melanggar peraturan didalam IP sahaja. Tetapi tugas ini perlu diperkembangkan kepada perhubungan yang proaktif bersama IP-IP lain, malahan agensi-agensi pendidikan dan kerajaan yang lain. Banyak yang kita mampu capai sekiranya pemimpin berjiwa besar dan berfikiran jauh. Hubungan antara semua IP berkebolehan untuk mewujudkan satu jawatankuasa penghubung antara semua IP dimana semua IP didalam Malaysia boleh melaksanakan lebih aktiviti bersama diperingkat nasional yang mampu memanfaatkan seluruh warga bakal pendidik. Lihat contoh Malaysian Student Leader Summit (MSLS) yang dianjurkan oleh United Kingdom Eire Council (UKEC) di Malaysia sewaktu cuti summer tempohari. Bagaimana berbezanya pelaksanaan aktiviti bagi organisasi pelajar UK dan organisasi pelajar IP walhal yang menghasilkan tetap pelajar dan diperingkat yang sama iaitu peringkat pembelajaran ijazah. Malah organisasi IP satu Malaysia jika dapat dihasilkan juga mampu menghasilkan satu newsletter dimana para mahasiswa IP boleh bersama turut terlibat untuk berbincang dan bertukar pendapat soal isu semasa terutamanya pendidikan didalam negara. Ini akan lebih melahirkan mahasiswa IP yang lebih kritikal dan mengikut perkembangan semasa pendidikan negara seterusnya mewujudkan platform penyatuan bagi semua mahasiswa IP dan disinilah baru kita dapat lihat semua bakat-bakat yang terpendam dalam mahasiswa-mahasiswi IP menonjol. Ini semua cadangan rasional dan plausible cuma memerlukan mereka yang lebih berwibawa untuk memrealisasikannya.

Nama Maktab atau Institut tidak memberikan apa-apa kelebihan sebenarnya. IP hanyalah satu perubahan kosmetik dan artificial tetapi perubahan sebenar datangnya dari dalam diri mahasiswa sekalian. Jika apa yang kita ingin capai adalah sesuatu yang besar dan memanfaatkan komuniti, kita pasti menjumpai laluan untuk merealisasikannya. Tetapi jika apa yang kita mahu adalah makan elaun setiap bulan selama 5 tahun dengan kaedah pembelajaran longgar yang penuh dengan plagiarism, peniruan dan fleksibiliti negatif yang membunuh reputasi, maka itu yang akan kita perolehi. Dan sudah pasti hasil akhir, produk guru yang terhasil juga berbeza, berdasarkan dengan apa yang kita lalui sepanjang tempoh pembelajaran.

Maka, apa yang aku nak seru adalah satu semangat dalam diri kita. Sudah lama maktab dipandang lekeh berbanding universiti dan ini semua terjadi adalah kerana ketidak efisiensi kita dalam bidang pembelajaran dan sosial. Sampai bila kita mahu bepegang kepada mentaliti senior dan junior? Sampai bila kita setakat mahu menyalak kepada sesuatu yang lain daripada norma walhal perkara itu merupakan sesuatu yang positif. Sampai bila kita mahu bermentaliti cikgu harus bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. We should demand what we need, and dismiss what is wrong! Semua ini untuk mencapai kemajuan diri. Sampai bila mahasiswa cuma bersuara didalam perkarangan maktab? Sudah sampai masa sekarang warga maktab bangkit, dan tunjukkan yang kita benar-benar layak digelar Institut Perguruan, layak berdiri sebaris dengan MPP Universiti-universiti diserata Malaysia. Tunjukkan dengan apa yang kita lakukan dan hasilkan daripada pemikiran yang lebih matang dan jauh. Tidak mustahil satu hari nanti organisasi IP seluruh Malaysia mampu mengadakan konferens dengan bakal-bakal pendidik dari negara-negara jiran untuk berbincang dan bertukar pendapat.

Dan yang pasti, akan ada golongan yang memandang artikel ini sebagai bersifat angkuh, memperlekehkannya, tapi apa yang aku nak sampaikan cuma penghayatan dan poin-poin yang aku rasakan relevan, tak lebih daripada itu. Yang baik kita belajar, yang buruk kita tolak tepi. Bagi yang menolak dan memperlekehkan, abaikan, dalam satu perjalanan pasti ada liku-liku dan batu-batu yang menghalang tetapi semuanya akan dilupakan sebaik saja kita sampai ke destinasi kita. Bak kata seorang pensyarah Institut Perguruan yang tak akan aku lupa, "Aim for the sky. If we fall, we'll fall among the stars." Jika tidak, tak usah melantun sekiranya orang melabel mahasiswa IP sebagai tidak berkualiti kerana itulah yang kita hasilkan selama ini didalam sistem yang tidak kompetitif. To earn something, we have to sacrifice. To reach our destination, we need to take our first step. If the step is not taken now, then when will we start?


Nota ringkas:
* UKEC merupakan kesatuan yang terdiri daripada semua Malaysian Society di seluruh UK yang mana semua presiden Malaysian Society yang selalunya terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar undergraduate berkumpul dibawah payung UKEC.
** Antara aktiviti besar untuk UKEC adalah MSLS, Graduan Career Fair dan Projek Kalsom.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Malays common ground

The malays have many differences. This is true. Differences in income gap, culture between those who lives in a traditional village and those living in big city, differences in terms of ideologies, in terms of political views and much more. However, what we must do to become a united group of people is find a common ground, a uniting platform between us. If we manage to find this, we should be able to create a compromising uniteness between all different groups that we have despite being in the same 'kind' of people. And this common platform that I can see as working is Islam.

Talking on a much general basis, Malays have always been associated with Islam, plainly speaking Malay is Islam. Although there are some exceptional cases where there are Malays who believes in other religions and beliefs system especially Christianity, the common conception of being Malay is being a Muslim. This argument however cannot put down the other distracting facts that not all 'Muslim' Malays are really practicing and embracing Islam. To put this in simpler words, Islam have grown to become only like a custom and traditional rituals to some Muslims (not all, there are quite a significant number of Muslims who really embrace and practice Islam as a way of life according to Al-Quran and Sunnah) This situation is really disturbing. Hence I believe if we can achieve this common ground together and believe in it, we should be able to set aside other differences and concentrate on one thing to work on as a united community.

To achieve this is not easy. It involves participation and willingness from all kind of groups consisting Malays in Malaysia. But the most important thing I feel that needs to be addressed to realize this issue is for the Malay leaders to really preach and practice and understand the value of Islam and acknowledge it as having wider responsibility other than only being traditional customs and then for other Malays to help and provide guidance in order to establish this idea in a gradual process. Being separated and opposing each other will not work but uniting as one entity will help to preserve our value, belief system and lastly promote what's important to us all, and that is Islam.

*Now what's your take on this?


Saturday, October 09, 2010

Politik diMalaysia dan persoalan

Permainan politik diMalaysia masih tak surut-surut dengan pelbagai lagi isu yang dimainkan oleh kedua-dua pihak. Daripada isu wang ehsan bersumberkan hasil perjudian sehinggalah ke isu majlis jamuan hariraya diganggu polis. Sebagai anak muda, apa yang aku maukan adalah guarantee dari barisan yang akan memegang tampuk kepimpinan setelah pilihanraya akan datang.

Jika itu ialah Barisan Nasional ataupun UMNO, persoalannya adalah sejauh mana masalah rasuah akan terus cuba diatasi, sejauh mana implementasi dasar ekonomi yang efektif kearah merapatkan jurang pendapatan dapat dilaksanakan, sejauh manakah demokrasi terpimpin secara adil dan telus dapat dihasilkan serta sejauh manakah keberkesanan konsep 1Malaysia dan langkah yang diambil untuk menjayakan konsep itu?

Jika itu ialah Pakatan Rakyat, persoalannya adalah sejauh mana pakatan boleh memastikan masalah rasuah tidak akan timbul sepertimana yang diperjuangkan oleh rata-rata ahli, sejauh mana kestabilan politik terutama dari segi perkauman dapat dibina dan dikekalkan, sejauh manakah kebebasan yang dilaung-laungkan oleh pakatan itu? adakah ianya sebebas-bebasnya atau masih tetap terkawal secara adil (adakah Malaysia sudah bersedia untuk kebebasan penuh?), sejauh manakah unity dapat diketengahkan dan dicapai melalui pelaksanaan polisi baru, sejauh mana bersedianya barisan kepimpinan pakatan rakyat untuk meneraju Malaysia, sejauh mana akan terkikisnya jurang pendapatan antara yang susah dengan yang senang serta persoalan yang aku anggap paling kritikal, sejauh manakah pengaruh 'funder' parti setelah pilihanraya akan mempengaruhi pembuatan polisi serta keterbukaan tender kerajaan, serta adakah kronisme akan tetap diamalkan?

Politics will be politics.


Thursday, October 07, 2010

Update dari Coventry

Cuaca yang baik-baik setakat ini dengan beberapa hari yang sunny dipayungi awan biru megah berarak. Biar aku nikmati hari panas ni sebelum kesejukan datang melanda menusuk sehingga ke tulang.

Coventry masih coventry. Warwick masih lagi warwick. Dimeriahkan lagi dengan kehadiran lebih 50 orang pelajar baru dari Ipoh. Selamat datang dan selamat bergembira sepanjang seminggu cuti ini sebelum mula belajar. Jangan risau, tahun pertama tak masuk dalam keputusan akhir kelak.

Politik yang agak stabil di Warwick kecuali untuk beberapa hal yang sebenarnya agak menyedihkan. Berdoa supaya semua berjalan lancar dan yang terbaik dapat buat kami.

Mendapat berita baik untuk Projek Kalsom akan datang. Alhamdulillah.

Pemulaan pelajaran yang baik, cepat dan mudah difahami berserta para pensyarah yang baik-baik belaka. Semoga berterusan dan berkekalan.

Permulaan perancangan aktiviti-aktiviti tahunan yang boleh dikira berjalan lancar. Semoga lebih banyak idea hadir dan aktiviti yang lebih baik, besar dan bermanfaat dapat dilaksanakan.

All is well. Permulaan yang baik untuk satu tahun pembelajaran yang baik. Semoga bersama mendapat manfaat dan sokong-menyokong antara satu sama lain. Tak rugi apa pun untuk berkawan.

Selamat. ;)

Sunday, October 03, 2010

A personal letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir.

Tun Mahathir dimasukkan ke hospital di Melbourne kerana jangkitan kuman.

Upon hearing this news I was strucked by concern and fear. Fear of what? Of losing such a great mind and man which until now I believe, none in our beloved Malaysia is able surpass. I know that despite all the names they called you and all the slanders that have been circulating around, there are many more people who will be there to support you, as how you've been supporting Malaysia and especially the Malay community in all these years. You are a top class leader, a leader of your own class and we are lucky to have such a spirited leader like yourself. I pray for your fate and health. You are as what many describe you as the father of us, the Malaysians.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Paths, decisions and destiny

In this part of life's full journey, here is where we'll always meet the paths to our destiny. People said sometimes we are destined to do what we do. Yet, I'm more pleased to believe that it is us who choose our own paths to our own destiny.

From what I've learnt so far, I can see that many teenagers are actually not ready to face the fight they will have to one day. Life's a fight and yes it's true. It's just that not many people recognize life as a fight. At least when we're out of our comfort zone, it's like a battlefield for us, to create another comfort zone again. Yet, teens do not know of this. Do not know of the opportunities they're gonna miss if they do not engage themselves fully in this fight or if they're not ready.

At the end of the day, it's gonna be just you and yourself at the end of the path. It is only you and your decision whether to take another step or to just stand there, watching or waiting for something, sort of a miracle to happen to you. But hey, in life, miracle seldom occurs.

Hence, why don't we start to gear up and be ready to engage in the fight, ourselves. After all, there's no one to turn to, when you're all alone. And believe me, life has taught me so much until now to believe that I'm gonna be all alone in the end. At least when I don't have my family around.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dari hati ke hati

Jap 11.30 malam di Coventry. Cuaca diantara 8 - 15 darjah celcius menyelubungi perjalanan. Setelah terbang selama lebih 14 jam dan perjalanan train lebih 2 jam, aku sampai diEarlsdon. Rumah baru.

Dalam pada mengemas barang-barang dan bilik, aku buka kedua luggage yang dibawa dari Malaysia. Terlihat semuanya tersusun rapi didalam luggage membuat aku haru teringatkan mama yang tolong mengemas barang-barang aku hari tu. Terlihatkan bekal makanan, kuih raya dipacking cantik, rempah-ratus dilabel rapi.

Terlihatkan kek coklat buatan kain yang dikirim dari Bulan serta patung khas dari New Zealand.

Hmm, kadang aku selfish. Sampailah aku tersentak melihat realiti. Jikalaulah semua dicipta indah didunia, perhubungan dicipta menyayangi dan pertemuan dicipta untuk pertemuan berikutnya tanpa adanya perpisahan, tetapi dunia seperti tu dalam cerita fantasi saja.

Dengan harapan tahun depan masih ada mereka yang aku sayangi, terutama Nenek yang menjangkau pertengahan 70. Tak akan aku lupa ciuman buat dan dari nenek tatkala berhenti dirumah nenek sebelum menuju Sepang semalam.

Baru sekejap, mula merindui. Memang hati manusia selalu lemah diwaktu sunyi. Baru aku mengerti perasaan baba.

Biar hari ini aku disini cuba mengejar apa yang mampu aku capaikan. Kau berilah aku kegembiraan sebaiknya kerana memang semua milik Kau.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Interpretation of lifes interpretation and an announcement

Life has got many interpretations. By living my life i learn to understand that lives interpretation is always changing for me. If life is a book, it sure will have many chapters in it. Regarding economy, ideology, religion, humanity, cruelty and lots of other stuffs. We as plain humans always decide to only read a part of the whole book and wants to believe it as the whole idea of life which is not fair to me. Yet what can we do? If in school we'll have teachers to guide us through book reading process, in life lessons there are none. The so called teachers are themselves incomplete learners. Hence in the end the real meaning of life, can it ever be interpreted?

*In regard to the last entry, i would like to add that if you guys want to change your travellers cheque, I would suggest not to go directly to the bank cause they charge high interest. Instead, be collective and go together to a money changer in Covs City Centre (there are a few money changer there) cause the higher value of travellers cheque you can get, the lower transaction value you can bargain with the seller. Good luck!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Extra infos in Warwick

First of all, I'd like to welcome again all the friends coming from ipoh to warwick. I sure hope you guys have a nice flight from klia to heathrow. Can't be there to hantar you all cause my flight's gonna be earlier a few days than you guys. Here are some extra infos for those who care:

1) You can check WarwickSU website for promotions, advertising, latest event but most importantly infos on sports, clubs and societies in warwick. There are tons of them so grab your chance now.

2) There will be a freshers fair in the opening first week and some societies will be there in booths to advertise their societies but not all! So, to have a good thorough look, it's better to go through the warwickSU website.

3) Upon arriving you will need to prepare for the upcoming winter and you might want to decorate your room and buy some essential stuffs for yourselves like duvet, mattress, toothbrush etc. So there will be a trip organize by friends from warwick to the town to brief you guys. If you miss the trip, feel free to ask me or my friends and we'll bring you guys around.

4) Warwick do offer certificate education with lots of interesting 1 year courses with price ranging from 180 - 600 something pounds per course. So those interested to take up extra knowledge and lessons can try to visit the page and check out suitable courses for yourself. Don't worry, cash given should be enough.

5) Do come to the first Warwick Malaysian Student Association gathering later yeah!

6) Gig lovers boleh lepak dengan aku untuk info-info tempat gig berdekatan Coventry. ;)

Safe journey. Will see you soon there. Buat rumah terbuka nanti ajak-ajak lah aku yep. ;)
