Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When I talked to my friends about girls, I seldom want to write this non-poetic poem

At many times, it's hard to really comprehend the way a girl think or feel.
They can say they are feeling cold but it means they are getting hot.
I mean a guy needs to really consider all options and answer possibilities when he has to answer a question as simple as "Do you want to eat a burger or a sausage?"
Now you think, what more will it take for that guy to answer the question of "When do you want to marry me?"
So, the point here is girl's thoughts and feelings are complicated.

But that's not the point. You see, the point can't always be about girls.
It is about guys too...
So, many guys do love their women, really.
And as many guys want to see and make their women happy too.
However, a girl usually cannot take this understanding and locate it into her common sense.

When a guy stays with his friend, it does not mean he ignores you because he hates you.
And also please do not take it in a way that the guy likes to hang out with their friends more than hanging out with you.
It is to be understood, that unfair is a very simple, plain and meaningless word to be used when a girl ask if the guy likes to hang out with their friends more than with her. Because guys can not answer such statement.
You can not compare a cup of coffee to a can of coke.
While a can of coke offers you the joy and thrill of coolness during a sunny day, the cup of coffee gives you the feeling of elegance and warmth in your morning sip.

Hence people ask the question,
And many tried to provide answer to 'THE' question.
How to understand girls?
You can not. Simply.
How can you explain why the cloud is blue?

So what we can actually do is to write alphabets forming words.
Words creating sentences, sentences constructing paragraphs.
And paragraphs explaining nothing,
like this one.
Just to show that this nothing,
actually means a thing.

And if you read this until you arrive to this last paragraph of non-poem,
Could you please tell me, which one do you think symbolises a woman?
A can of coke or a cup of coffee?

-Peace out-

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sketsa dunia politik

Kalau politik boleh dpentaskan, pasti akan ada:

Terlalu banyak konflik, hidup laju entah hendak ke mana, permusuhan tanpa pengakhiran, pembunuhan dan tikam belakang kawan.

Terlalu banyak cium bontot, jadi puppet, dua muka, senyum plastik, hati hitam, masam muka, hidung tinggi dan besar kepala.

Sudah semakin susah untuk mencari kejujuran dalam politik.

Lagi baik kita hayati lagu ini. Salam!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Berita Hairan - Rider fixed-gear bicycle menggadai nyawa

Rujuk link artikel ini ---> X

Aku nak kupas sikit dari dua segi. Pertama segi penulisan, dan kedua segi pelaksanaan.

Untuk penulisan. Apa kata, daripada di kondem anak muda yang berbasikal didalam surat khabar nombor satu diMalaysia, kan lebih elok kalau ditulis dengan cara untuk create awareness of the new trend. So that government and local authorities will do something about it. Contohnya, kau tulis tentang sejarah, trend fixie sedikit and then give suggestion how can government help to make bicycle riding more safe in Kuala Lumpur. Or perhaps give some examples of cities yang ada implement such thing. Will be a much better article, ye dok?

Untuk pelaksanaan. Kan lebih elok daripada dikondem, dibiarkan masuk berita hairan dan rancangan 999, lebih baik dibuat projek circuit berbasikal seluruh bandar Kuala Lumpur ke, hari berbasikal sekuala lumpur ke. Atau apa-apa projek yang bicycle-related. Jadikan ianya bandar yang bicycle friendly. Bagi aku it's much better for them to cycle daripada merempit. A new trend that is to be celebrated and not condemned.

Make the city more community and socially friendly. Then reduce the number of vehicles on the road. Cuba ikut macam ex-mayor Enrique Penalosa ni. Macam mana dia boleh tukar his 'drug-city' into something different. Cerita about bandar Bogota, Colombia sepatutnya ditulis dan dikaitkan sekiranya journalist nak cakap pasal transportation sistem. Bukan quote cakap abang hampir langgar adik-adik berbasikal tengah malam sahaja.

I know that the article written is true in many sense. Aku sendiri kadang-kadang menyumpah kalau jenis rider yang tak tengok kiri kanan, kita pula nak kena perhati dia. But the article that she wrote, doesn't offer any solution at all. It's an article to condemn and buat controversy. And I believe, there are much better way to write the article from another angle. But what to expect from Berita Hairan, kan?

Inilah akibatnya kalau jadi journalist tapi tak rajin membaca, aku rasa.


Monday, May 09, 2011

Projek Kalsom 17 - Pendaftaran dibuka!

Baru aku sedar yang kita selalunya perlukan suatu dunia yang lain supaya kita boleh terus kekal waras dan committed dalam dunia ini.

By the way, application to become facilitators for Projek Kalsom 17 has open. Please check out www.projek-kalsom.com for information and to apply, pergi dekat 'information' and then click 'join us'.

Hope to see you there this summer in another wonderful and unforgetable chapter of Projek Kalsom - the 17th Edition.
