Thursday, January 28, 2010


The meaning of life. What is it? for Wealth? Peace? Love? Domination?
What purpose do we serve living on this world? Why are we here?
For you, why do you think you are here?
Have you tried to think about it? What answer comes to your mind?
Do you mind sharing? Cause I'm interested to know.



  1. senang je aish. sebagai seorang hamba ALLAH maksud hidup kita adalah untuk mendapatkan keredhaan ALLAH.cuma itu saja. sebab tu orang islam dalam setiap perbuatan semuanya dilakukan dengan tujuan mendapat keredhaan ALLAH. semua kerana ALLAH.even ko berak pun kerana ALLAH.buang najis2 supaya nanti sempurna menghadap ALLAH.tu satu contoh je la.haha

  2. to live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books

    -dan brown-

  3. the dr: betul betul betul. aku tak nafikan benda tu.

    anonymous: thats why im asking you dan brown. what do you think is the meaning of living?

  4. kehidupan?? senang saja nak cari maksudnya... pejam mata fikirkan diapa diri kamu.. itulah hidup kamu..

  5. Dijadikan hidup dan mati adalah untuk menguji siapakah yang terlebih baik amalannya" (Al-Mulk : 2)

  6. huhu..komen melampau? maybe..maybe not..hak3..
    life is a gift ( u can find tis line anywhere)il make it short..sbb aku rase benda neh cam interesting

    life = short + place of test = resulting life of afterlife...

    sape suka mkn banana split?


Ideas in words by